Its been crazy trying to figure out how to style your hair without being able to make regular trips to the beautician.
Clip-Ins are a convenient, cost-effective, and simple way to get a new look quickly with relatively low maintenance. Whether you are a busy essential worker or stay at home mom, its always makes the day go smoother when you can get up and go in the morning quickly. Using clip-ins can easily shave off at least 30 minutes off your morning routine. I used clip-ins by Anrosa. The other benefits of using clip-ins rather than sewn-in weaves include allowing a way to care for your hair underneath as well as your leave out hair easier. I regularly use shea moisture retention conditioner and shampoo
and African Pride Moisture Miracle for my hot oil treatment using the Hot Shot Tools by Gold N Hot heat cap.
I hope this helps someone, we’re all in this together. #haircareduringapandemic #haircare #blackhaircare